Why Choose Us?

Salford Linen Co. is a proud South African brand.  All our products are locally handmade. Our range brings a sense of calmness and elegance to your home. Neutral colors with a feeling of nature. Salford Linen Co soft furnishings is a premium brand.

The Benefits of Linen:

The resulting linen textile is two to three times stronger than cotton and dries at a much faster rate. Because of its porous nature, linen has natural heat and moisture-wicking properties that make it a good conductor of warmth and a popular fabric to use for clothing or bedding in the summer.


Salford Linen Co is and online store with our depo based in Fourways. We do offer custom sizes as well and are more than willing to meet at your premises to finalize the costs.



Granite Rd, Witkoppen, Fourways, 2068

Business Hours

Monday - Friday

9.a.m - 4.p.m

Contact us for custom size curtains

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